Porovnání cen Adobe Creative Cloud
Nakonec to s tou cenou předplatného Adobe Creative Cloud není až tak strašné, jak to původně vypadalo, zvlášť pokud si propočteme náklady na zakoupení nové verze nebo za upgrade v původním systému licencování. Samozřejmě Creative Cloud se vyplatí především lidem, kteří byli zvyklí upgradovat na poslední verzi, hned jak byla k dispozici. Také začínajicím designerům to může pomoci rozložit náklady a neplatit tak vysokou pořizovací cenu, jako za původní licence.
A new (not upgraded) license for Creative Suite 6 Master Collection is US$2,600. An upgrade license will cost you anywhere from $550 (if you already had the CS5.5 Master Collection) to over $1,000 (if you had any of the other CS5 or 5.5 products). Adobe has historically offered major upgrades every 18 months or so, which means the monthly breakdown is between $30 and $58 per month. And if you have to buy the entire Creative Suite new, then you’re looking at a cost of over $144/month for 18 months.
Adobe is offering CC subscriptions for new users for $50/month, and for “upgrade” users for just $30/month for the first year (and CS6 users will get an even steeper discount for the first year). The other big advantage is that you won’t have to fork over a large payment up front. This makes it much more affordable for new designers or small agencies, and will obviously reduce start-up costs for new freelancers or agencies. This could encourage a lot of great designers to strike out on their own.